**the following lyrics are from a song called "Broken Down" by Sevendust. after the lyrics, i explain why the lyrics are pertinent to what i'm feeling.**
It takes time
To heal the wounds
I've made along the way
If I'm blind
Open my eyes 'cause
I need to see again
If I can feel again
Will you tell me now
Or wait til I'm
broken down again
Save me now
I'm broken
If I bleed
My lies won't fill
the emptiness
I just need
For something real to
open up my mind
Breaking down
I'm breaking down
Breaking down
I'm breaking down
It takes time
If I can feel again
Will you tell me now
Or wait til I'm
broken down again
Save me now
I'm broken
If I can feel again
Will you tell me now
Or wait til I'm
broken down again
Save me now
I'm broken
It takes time
Breaking down
(breaking down)
I'm breaking down
If I can feel again
these lyrics kind of explain how i'm feeling right this minute. i feel incredibly broken. not only because of my past, but even because of current issues. i feel like my life is being ripped in two. new life and old life. i'm standing over a crack in the ground, and it's starting to seperate. the gap is getting wider and wider. i have a decision to make, and it's not an easy one... do i want to give up my current way of coping with my emotions and my control, or do i want to remain broken and reliant on these methods of control? as the gap gets wider, my thoughts become more frantic, and the decision becomes harder to make. it becomes less logical, and more based on emotions... i know, in my heart, what i need to do. but is it normal to be this SCARED of what i know is right???
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